Ipswich Unemployed Action.

Campaigning for Unemployed Rights.

Universal Job Search IS to be Made Compulsory.

Jobseekers in England, Scotland and Wales will have to use a new government website that can automatically tell jobcentres about their applications – or risk losing their benefit payments.

The Welfare Secretary Iain Duncan Smith told political correspondent Ross Hawkins on Radio 4’s The World at One programme, that the new site can automatically send people vacancies – and demand explanations from them if they do not apply.

Iain Duncan Smith explained that if a job adviser thinks the reasons that you have given for not applying for a job are “specious” then “he may call you in and say I really think that you ought to be applying for these jobs.”

When asked about issuing electronic cards that would restrict claimants in spending their benefits payments, he said that “giving people cash sometimes can actually lead to further problems”.

He stressed that the scheme would only affect specific claimants.

From The BBC.

Hearing this there was a brief report on the ‘problems’ the site had faced, fake job ads and phone-sex jobs.

There was nothing about concerns about privacy and surveillance.

That in many parts of the country there is no easy access to the Internet, or if there is public access it is often (as in Suffolk) unable to work with the DWP’s site.

Nor indeed about the simple fact that many many unemployed people cannot access the site, or even if they could, would not know how to use computers well enough to use it properly.

His comments on the ‘Cash Card’ were said to apply only to specific groups, such as drug addicts.

How specific this could be was not elaborated.

Those who hold the ‘technology’ in this area have been lobbying for this.

There’s little doubt the Government  are working on something that will reward companies who live off the unemployed.



Written by Andrew Coates

December 20, 2012 at 4:06 pm

41 Responses

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  1. Bad news for Xmas.

    Paul Johnny.

    December 20, 2012 at 4:40 pm

  2. The Police state is almost complete! What next from these bastards; perhaps, execution of people who don’t earn at least £50,000 a year. Bring on the revolution, I’m really fucking up it now! because I’m sick and tired of being stripped of my dignity by rich deluded, arrogant shits. And may I add I’m prepared to die! Fuck-em!

    A. Ellis

    December 20, 2012 at 5:19 pm

    • Count me in! I hate the odious Tory ****s, especially that twat IDS.


      December 21, 2012 at 2:32 am

      • I find it helps to think of him as IBS think about it (both makes people think of C***)

        Kim Richards

        January 15, 2013 at 2:59 pm

  3. “Hearing this there was a brief report on the ‘problems’ the site had faced, fake job ads and phone-sex jobs.”

    So what about fake jobseekers? Would it be possible to create fake accounts and spam the employers who sign up to this service?


    December 20, 2012 at 5:25 pm

  4. What about provider jobs “portals” that jobseekers are being signed up for against your will: “here is you log-in details”?


    December 20, 2012 at 5:51 pm

  5. For what it’s worth, the Telegraph reckon they won’t legally be able to make the snooping bit mandatory: The tracking element of the programme will not be compulsory as monitoring people’s behaviour online without their consent would not be allowed under EU law. (From http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9757895/Jobless-to-be-remotely-monitored-by-Government.html ). They’re also generally slagging it off, which is surprising for such a Tory paper: blogs.telegraph.co.uk/technology/willardfoxton2/100008569/internet-snooping-on-job-seekers-not-just-creepy-but-a-shocking-waste-of-money/
    Channel 4 News have another good story on how insecure it is: http://www.channel4.com/news/security-holes-remain-in-government-jobseekers-site


    December 20, 2012 at 6:54 pm

    • This fascist party appears to be about saving money for themselves by cutting too far too fast and too deep and yet the amount of money wasted is absolutely obscene, they are too mouthy and have little to posture and preen themselves about when they point the finger at Labour who also have much to answer to in laying the foundations to this coalitions carbuncle of policies…. they could hardly have done it all by themselves, as is often been said.. the country is being dragged down by unexceptional men with exceptional educations, so what does that say about upper classes and wealth?.


      December 22, 2012 at 1:15 pm

  6. We will see. The intention might be to make it compulsory, but they won’t be getting any details from me, no consent to snoop, no CV upload. I will USE the site to browse for jobs and apply for any that are suitable. And if contact details aren’t there for a particular job i might want to apply for, then that’s their problem, not mine.

    Beyond that? I suppose I will be getting further sanctions (punished) for “not playing ball’, or rather not playing ball the way some psychopaths in suits want it played. This is the real world.

    Fuck ’em, play it by ear.

    Mr No

    December 20, 2012 at 7:57 pm

  7. Better start buying those lottery tickets and hope for at least a 2 million pound win – before were all sanctioned or end up with one of those bloody cash cards you can’t buy any fun with!

    Thanks a lot Iain Duncan Smith – your are an obsessed tyrant – one of the most hated men in history, no one will miss you when you go – in fact we will all be cheering.

    Obi Wan Kenobi

    December 20, 2012 at 8:02 pm

  8. Hey Iain Duncan Smith:

    What are you going to do in 2015 when Labour get back in? David Cameron won’t need you then!

    Obi Wan Kenobi

    December 20, 2012 at 8:06 pm

    • He’ll probably disappear back up his own arse where he belongs.


      December 21, 2012 at 3:03 am

    • <He'll just have to sign up for Universal Jobseekers. Not. Probably go on to earn zillions after dinner speeches et al


      January 15, 2013 at 3:04 pm

  9. Ok,so we the unwashed are now going to be required to prove 35 hours a week jobmatch, fair enough..where will this be conducted? at the JCP? WP? Library? As this requires travel who pays? JCP? As a mobile and the internet are now considered luxuries they will have to contact me by post..fucking idiots!


    December 20, 2012 at 8:54 pm

  10. Click to access ES3JP%201112.pdf

    New Jobseeker’s Agreement forms


    December 21, 2012 at 12:41 am

  11. you can only do that if you have access to the internet,there is two computers in the job centre and the others at A4e.

    these people are not interested in those with health problems and disabilities and barriers’ into work.the snotty nosed staff and just pull faces openly.these people just aren’t worth bothering with.

    the so called charities which are two faced are equally as bad,everything is minor and the person is feeling awful yet they will try and keep it quite when applying for anything that may not even exist on this dubious site.

    i notice the “up your game” is attempting to pass its way onto vulnerable people though attitudes as attempts are made to save the work programme,all that’s happening is duncan smiths failures are again catching up with him.


    December 21, 2012 at 6:19 am

    • Assuming everybody can use the Internet in the first place.

      Here there is Suffolk Library – 2 hours a day free.

      But at present the system has not been updated enough (its Browser is due for an upgrade, but that’s yet to happen) to take using the Site properly.

      You cannot, and will not, be able to upload a CV from a USB.

      Again, assuming you can get to a library with enough terminals easily, which is not the case for anybody who lives outside the centre of towns, like Ipswich.

      For anybody in a rural area they will find it hard to get to a library, the buses cost a fortune, and the services are limited.

      I supose Ian Duncan Smith thinks we’ve all got enough money for Sky Telly, and Broadband as well as our own machines.

      Er, not.

      Andrew Coates

      December 21, 2012 at 12:00 pm

      • have they fixed the library computers yet to allow access and functionality of the site?

        Universal Jobmatch

        January 2, 2013 at 10:12 pm

      • To an extent. But I was unable to apply for a job this morning. The whole thing went back to zero.

        Andrew Coates

        January 3, 2013 at 11:08 am

    • The Independent has this, http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/unemployed-to-be-forced-to-sign-up-to-universal-jobmatch-website-at-the-centre-of-security-concerns-8427546.html

      “The removal of benefit payments will be at the discretion of job centre staff. But some jobseekers have complained that they do not want to upload sensitive information – such as that included in their CV – to a site over which there have been security fears.

      Channel 4 News reported last month that a group of hackers managed to get personal details from dozens of job applicants signed up to the site, including passwords, national insurance numbers and even scans of their passports.

      And a host of fake adverts have also appeared on the site. “I signed up and found two interesting items for ‘Mystery Shopper’. One seemed fine but the other was clearly a scam aimed at identity theft,” said one 46-year-old Welshman, who did not want to be named for fear of sanction.

      A group of unemployed people came forward to tell the Independent that Job Centre staff are already forcing jobseekers to sign up to the site, which allows them to monitor job searches and remove benefits if they are not deemed sufficient. Some said they believed it was going to be used to take away those payments, regardless of whether or not they were genuinely looking for jobs.

      Melissa, from London, said: “I overheard two advisers talking about a man they had just seen and the staff member whose claimant he was said she was going to use his not signing up to the site as an excuse to suspend his money. She said this with relish and it made me sick.”

      The site has been set up by recruitment firm Monster, which is being paid £16.7m for its services. Iain Duncan-Smith said he thought it would “revolutionise” the job search process and added that job advisors are able to impose sanctions such as “mandatory work activity” if they feel the unemployed are not searching hard enough.”

      Andrew Coates

      December 21, 2012 at 12:36 pm

    • Indeed. This new Jobseekers Agreement is very important!

      I suppose we are all going to be expected to ‘agree’ and sign one of these new ‘sgreements’ in the new year. And if we don’t agree… Hmmm?

      And of course it will all be down to how psychopathic the drone dealing with you is on the day. But some of the statements that we are meant to ‘understand’ on there are particularly cheeky! For example…..

      ‘Looking for work will be a significant part of my every day activities, taking several hours each day’.

      Is it on there in preparation for the impending 35 hour a week supposed new rule?
      Good luck enforcing that. It will be a shambles.
      They are taking the piss with this new form. Because once signed it becomes your new contract.
      Never mind the blank boxes that we can at least try and negotiate, it’s the statements like that one above.
      Personally I think that’s the most concerning statement (or is that order?) on there.
      And if you do not spend that several hours a day job searching, then what?
      Many of us may ‘pad out’ our job search some weeks, but this is going to force the majority to realise that they too are going to have to bend the truth a little. A lot? FFS! I myself spend a couple of hours 3 times week, usually every other day, that is plenty. Considering the lack of vacancies, not everyone is suited to all jobs etc etc.

      And the grey box to the left!

      ‘I will get an email address by…’

      I will open a bank account by…

      I will create a CV by…

      And so on! They are taking the piss! Trying it on.
      And as with the consent issues etc, too few know enough to have the confidence to question these over reaching ‘requirements’, assuming they have the will to even ask any questions due to the fear many have. And who can blame them?.
      They cannot force us to complete such tasks, but they can ask. They trick us.
      Again, I will be asking if these are requests or orders, that i don’t believe the legislation can compel me make a CV. I’ll say I have a CV, they can see a hardcopy etc.
      As with all the previous stuff we discuss we can use much of the same logical approaches.

      If or when I am faced with this new agreement i will be asking to see the proof, the official legislated wordings that would back up this particular statement i copied above.
      I cannot agree to that!

      Will the old ‘putting a line through it’ trick work here? I doubt it. They’ll say if you are refusing to sign it then it’s decision maker time. And in my experience they don’t even read your reasons why you think a decision is wrong.

      I will be most robustly questioning and negotiating this new contract when confronted with the task. It is getting beyond ridiculous!

      Stay strong people.

      Mr No

      December 21, 2012 at 5:41 pm

  12. The Jobcentre will just say you are expected to be logged in everyone day between 8:00-8:30, 12-12:30, 16:30-17:00; and if you ask how they will just shrug their hunched shoulders and laughingly say: “Not my problem, mate, but if you don’t do as required by your Jobseeker’s Agreement you WILL be sanctioned.”


    December 21, 2012 at 3:27 pm

  13. Just what would happen if/when UJM is made compulsory, The library and csv media won’t open at 8;00 for the hours Francine says in her post of 21/12/12 at 3:27pm. The library also limit you to 2x 1 hour sessions a day = 14 hours a week. How can we be expected to comply with the ”up coming 30 hour” rule. Is this a ploy to get us into the jobcentres and use the computers there [For Which An Appointment Must Be Booked]. I see an upcoming paragraph on the JOBSEEKERS AGREEMENT> I will attend the Jobcentre x number of times a week. I will book x hours of computer time at the Jobcentre a week. I authorise the Jobcentre/DWP to confirm my usage with the Public Library etc. ???? Is this too far fetched or is it nearer the truth.

    brown philip

    December 21, 2012 at 9:11 pm

  14. Unemployment is absolutely vital. The Tories would be horrified if someone could wave a wand and give us 100% employment, as usual they are simply using the weakest in society to score political points.

    If we have 100% employment, how do bosses get the best from their workers?

    For an idea of how it would be bad, look at the problems French companies have with efficiency and staff laziness and so on. Short of serious gross misconduct, like being caught stealing, it is pretty much impossible to sack an employee in France, certainly not possible for laziness, missing targets and so on, there is no real incentive to even make an effort as an employee. The only way to get rid of such people is to pay them off, and we are talking payouts on the scale of 3-4 years wages and so on – it HAS to be lucrative, its the only way to get the employee to accept.

    With 100% employment the costs of living would rocket through the roof.

    Capitalism NEEDS unemployed people, it needs the stick of losing your job to go with the carrot of your wages.


    December 22, 2012 at 12:09 pm

  15. Benefit cards, Universal Jobmatch social control shame+humiliation

    * contains strong langauge


    December 22, 2012 at 2:58 pm

    • Wow! And I thought I was pissed off!

      Charlie D

      December 22, 2012 at 3:35 pm

    • wow, talk about being seriously pissed off!!


      December 22, 2012 at 7:39 pm

  16. Ingeus UK collects a range of information about visits to the Ingeus UK website. The following information is stored for twelve months:

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    Ingeus Works Privacy Policy

    Ingeus Works

    December 22, 2012 at 3:13 pm

  17. The Most Evil Despicable Vile Person of the year award 2012

    Can you guess who?

    Charlie D

    December 22, 2012 at 4:01 pm

  18. Ok, Here’s one for you to think about:

    Iain Duncan Smith used to be at Sandhurst Training Facility for the British Army – (The Force will not be with him) Please Mr Cameron send him to the front line in Afghanistan as a Sapper! – Should anyone care to check this out please look up IDS on his personal website.

    Obi Wan Kenobi

    December 22, 2012 at 4:05 pm

    • Obi, as we watch IDS like ‘awks, we take delight in mentioning anything bad you can find about him.

      As he served with the “Scots Guards from 1975 to 1981, with service in Northern Ireland and Rhodesia” there must be lots to find out!

      Andrew Coates

      December 22, 2012 at 4:32 pm

      • I would regard IDS AS A COWARD, a man who likes to tell everyone what to do! – But you are a Catholic, and you believe in Catholic Ideals.

        Well I don’t believe in any god, no god can make political policy in any one
        country, so IDS if you haven’t got this you demented (totally obessesd committed phyasotic braindead loser

        Obi Wan Kenobi

        December 22, 2012 at 6:25 pm

      • Well I suspect we all know about him misplacing his own rifle while on service in Northern Ireland, leading to the others in his plattoon to call him “wally”. Well, now he’s not putting his own life in danger through his stupidity and incompetence, but thousands or even millions of others too through his welfare “reforms”.


        December 22, 2012 at 10:40 pm

  19. Stop The War On Welfare Petition


    Charlie D

    December 22, 2012 at 4:06 pm

  20. “What one may find and apply for in say three hours,another might do in 1 hour”.

    “What that one finds and applies to in that hour may have done so in the first fifthteen minutes then failed to do so in the last fortyfive”.

    “What that one finds and applies to in three hours may have done so in the last fifteen minutes but failed in the first two hours and fortyfive minutes”.

    This proves that extra time does not necessitate increased success for reasons such as for instance apptitude in search and application or even pure chance, as do remember that their argument will be based on a stat so probability is a factor too in that one is no more true or false than the other when you consider their math methods.


    December 23, 2012 at 11:07 am

    • There is always “Parkinson’s Law” – Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.


      If you are forced to sit in front of a computer or in a room doing ‘job search’for say, 6 hours a day, every day for a week or even more, you can find ways to make every application take at least 4 hours, for every look through the paper to include your suddenly discovered interest in the Shipping News, the details of World Weather, the price of Wheat and Barley, and your reading interests can expand to include, say, every single page of The Grocer.

      This incidentally is not an example dreamt up off the cuff.

      More stuff (from Wikipedia).

      “A “generalization” of Parkinson’s Law, is mentioned in an episode of British comedy series Yes Minister, The Skeleton in the Cupboard, originally aired on November 25, 1982. In that episode, an undersecretary of the Department, played by Ian Lavender, explains to the Minister that a certain county “has the smallest establishment of social workers in the U.K.” Answering the Minister’s question “Is that supposed to be a good thing?”, he replies, “Oh yes, sign of efficiency. Parkinson’s Law of social work you see; it’s well known that social problems increase to occupy the total number of social workers to deal with them

      Andrew Coates

      December 23, 2012 at 11:55 am

  21. Head of DWP – TERRY MORAN 0207 449 7518 / 0207 829 3364 6TH FLOOR, CAXTON HOUSE, TOTHILL STREET, LONDON SW1

    Sanctions info and enquiries – HARSHA PARMAR Harsahr.parmar@dwp.gsi.gov.uk 0207 4495 923

    The Sting

    January 18, 2013 at 2:25 pm

  22. Harsha.parmar@dwp.gsi.gov.uk CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS. 0207 4495 923 SANCTIONS INFO AND ENQUIRIES DWP.

    The Sting

    January 18, 2013 at 2:27 pm

  23. Department for Work and Pensions group

    Universal Jobmatch: Update

    17 January 2013

    PCS has received many queries and concerns from members regarding the use of Universal Jobmatch (UJ). This circular provides an update on recent issues.

    Staff accessing their own UJ accounts
    On its introduction, members of staff were encouraged to set up their own accounts to demonstrate the use of UJ to claimants. It has came to light recently that accessing your own records (or that of friends or family) using the UJ icon on your desktop is subject to the same security restrictions as other departmental system such as JSAPS or LMS. Staff are permitted to set up and access their own UJ account, but it must be done through the internet browser and jobsearch activity must be done in their own time.

    PCS has asked that DWP provide clarification to their managers, in addition to the ‘implementation updates’ they have issued already. They have stated that the advice to set up an account and demonstrate its use to the claimant was local and not from the UJ project. Clearly, we believe that no action should be taken against a member of staff where they have been misadvised by their manager.

    Jobseeker Directions and Mandatory Use of UJ

    PCS was aware that, despite assurances otherwise from the UJ project of DWP, management in some jobcentre districts were instructing advisers to tell claimants that UJ is mandatory and access must given to the DWP.

    As a result of legal challenges and negative press attention, DWP have revised the guidance on UJ to make it clear that this cannot be done. The UJ Jobmatch toolkit chapter 3, paragraph 50, states: “You cannot issue a Jobseeker’s Direction to either require a claimant to create a profile and CV in Universal Jobmatch or to mandate a claimant to give us access to their account – this is their decision not ours.” Paragraph 52 also states that “We cannot specify to a JSA claimant how they provide us with records of their jobsearch activity and Universal Jobmatch will not change this.”

    PCS is awaiting clarification from DWP management on the status of the many Jobseeker Directions that were incorrectly issued to claimants before the guidance was clarified. PCS members should contact their local representative to challenge any instruction to inform claimants that the use of UJ or access to it is mandatory.


    Obi Wan Kenobi

    January 19, 2013 at 12:38 pm

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