Ipswich Unemployed Action.

Campaigning for Unemployed Rights.

Iain Duncan Smith to Make Benefit Fraudsters Homeless and Penniless.

The Telegraph reports today,

Welfare cheats will be forced to sell their homes and pay higher fines to reimburse taxpayers for the money they have wrongly claimed, under plans to tackle benefit fraud.

The reforms include:

:: A drive to recover debts owed by fraudsters. Ministers will work with private debt collection firms “to make greater use of bailiffs to seize assets” and “force house sales where appropriate”, officials said. The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) expects to recover at least £414  million as a result of the initiative.

:: Higher fines for cheats caught committing benefits fraud. Officials can already impose a £50 spot fine on individuals who mistakenly and carelessly provide inaccurate information in their claims, and fraudsters face a minimum fine of £350 as an alternative to prosecution. Plans this week are expected to set out new financial penalties.

:: A publicity campaign, including posters urging claimants to report those whom they suspect to be cheating the system, and letters warning individuals to check they are not receiving too much.

:: Existing claimants will be cross-checked against HMRC records to catch pensioners who are receiving extra income than they have declared from private schemes, while also claiming pension credit, a means-tested benefit.

:: A benefit fraud division will be set up within the DWP. The service will pursue people who make false claims, including housing welfare from councils, tax credits from the HMRC, and other DWP payouts.



Maria Miller.

The Commissioner, Kathryn Hudson, found that Maria Miller claimed more than £40,000 in mortgage payments to which she was not entitled. This was watered down to just £5,800 by the Commons Standards Committee.

If you want to be even more nauseated the pathetic figure of Iain Duncan Smith says in the Telegraph the following,

 year ago we embarked on some of the biggest reforms to the benefits system since the war. Reforms that will transform lives for the better, strike a fair deal between claimants and the taxpayer, help more people into work and help us build a strong society.

If you’d listened to the scaremongers, you’d be forgiven for thinking we were ripping up the welfare state and telling people to fend for themselves. In fact what we are doing is returning the welfare state to what it was meant to be – a safety net, not a way of life.

Today we can see the real progress we have made: a record number of people in work; the number of people in workless households down more than half a million; and the number of people claiming the main out-of-work benefits down by more than 630,000. What’s more, our changes should save £50 billion by the end of the parliament.

No longer do households receive more in benefits than the average earnings of a family in work. Those who claim that limiting benefits to £26,000 a year is Dickensian should ask hard-working families who put in long hours for that pay what they think. It’s fair – and one of our most popular policies.

Written by Andrew Coates

April 6, 2014 at 9:37 am

73 Responses

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  1. These welfare reforms are a good idea in theory, except how many people will be accused of falsely fiddling ESA and sickness benefits once the work capability assessments start up again?
    The number of fraudulent claims is low yet the real criminals pass under the radar.

    They’ve removed Legal Aid so I can see a lot of disabled people being robbed of their homes and possessions by HM Government once they’re found to be ‘FIT FOR WORK’. While the
    Real fraudsters at Westminster continue to claim for musical lawn mowers and cocktail cabinets that are always full. Waging war on the poor seems to be the only way this government can find to recover money that has been squandered over the years.


    April 6, 2014 at 10:11 am

    • They are not even a good idea “in theory”. The so-called ‘Reforms’ are ill-conceived, ill-judged, vindictive, unjust, unfair, and downright wrong! The State owes us a living, and don’t any of you ever forget that.

      Landless Peasant

      April 6, 2014 at 12:45 pm

      • If people are deliberately screwing the state for thousands in disability benefits, and I mean the ones playing rugby when they claim to be crippled then by all means they should lose everything. At the same time the same policy should apply to MPs who are filling their pockets with taxpayers money and living the life of Riley.

        People don’t choose a life on benefits, well at least most don’t so why treat them like criminals?


        April 7, 2014 at 10:41 am

      • I find these stories about people fiddling hard to believe, anybody I know who’s got those kind of benefits has to jump through a football pitch full of hoops to get them.

        Er, perhaps that’s not the right analogy…..

        Andrew Coates

        April 7, 2014 at 11:23 am

    • I have a relative (and his partner ) who currently claim incapacity benefits, carers allowance and full rate DLA for illness. Not sure how they are claiming (as they look so well) but they do quite well out of the state.

      They own 2, yes 2 quite expensive cars which are both less than 5 years old and take a foreign holiday every year. I also add that they have never worked. I know people will always say “look at the bigger picture. They’re probably in debt” but they never seem to be short of money for cigarettes or a night out.

      My point is: if the odd few can slip through the net and live like this without working, what incentive is there for them to ever find work at minimum wage? Taking into account their rent paid to a private landlord, DLA, Incapacity (think they’re waiting to be put onto ESA) they go way above what they’d earn in a minimum wage job. They even boast about their ill gotten gains.

      He claims for migraines of all things. Neuro have been unable to find anything wrong, yet their doctor signs them off sick for months at a time.

      I got a definite diagnosis for my illness and I want to return to work in order to maintain my sanity – not even entitled to a bit of help from the state!


      April 7, 2014 at 1:04 pm

      • Wakey, wakey, Paul. We`re living in a decaying post-industrial economy run by a parasite scamocracy. For millions of our fellow countryfolk there is no “choice to live on benefits”, we are sentenced to that fate, or death by starvation.
        All to please the “strivers” who are as pollitcally gullible as they are economically illiterate. For you to come here into our place of refuge from the genocidal onslaught spouting the same discredited propaganda is a sickening and unforgivable insult.


        April 9, 2014 at 7:47 am

      • Funny to sneer at migraines but have you ever suffered one for real?


        April 9, 2014 at 4:09 pm

      • I’ve got relatives I don’t like either Paul but to rat out your own if your story is true (not saying its not) online is just unforgivable in my books, what’s next , your call DWP if you haven’t already ?

        Fiddlings bad granted but what you have done is far worse and I cant imagine I’m alone in that thought.

        All that aside paul its already been proven by released government figures that benefit fraud is around 1.2 to 1.6 billion meaning less than 1% of the total expenditure. To quash this argument further that figure is around half of what the government over paid dew to official/claimant error.

        Tax and other types of fraud dwarf these figures so if you want to take your frustrations out on those that commit fraud then have a go at the tax payers who defraud around 14 plus billion a year and the other remaining types around 57 billion a year according to 2011-2012 figures.


        April 10, 2014 at 12:22 am

    • I agree Shaun Murphy. There are millions who are subjected to this appalling treatment by the DWP and I include myself in that figure. My post wasn’t meant to be an insult, but to highlight that while many of us are struggling to make ends meet on starvation rate benefit, while looking to return to the world of work and a brighter future, there are people (granted a very small minority) who still manage to live well while the real disabled/ill people have been put through the indignity of ATOS and refused any help. Nobody should ever have to be subject to this level of poverty in this day and age.

      As for the scamocracy, I fear that is something that will never change in the UK. I am with the majority of people in saying that the current shower are about as much use as a chocolate teapot.


      April 10, 2014 at 12:49 pm

  2. On the Andrew Marr show this morning,

    “The work and pensions secretary has defended changes to the welfare system, including disability benefit reforms.

    Iain Duncan Smith has said the raft of changes should save the taxpayer £50bn by the end of this Parliament.

    Among them are new tougher criteria that disabled people must meet to be granted allowances, which have been criticised as harsh and unfair.

    But Mr Duncan Smith said the changes would “help and benefit” those who were well enough to get back into work.

    “I think the work programme is now for the first time ever working with people, who were once on sickness benefits and who are now not, going back to work,” Mr Duncan Smith told BBC One’s Andrew Marr Show.

    He said the new regime would see disabled benefits claimants assessed on a regular basis to determine whether they need more support with their ailments or help to get work.

    “There were over a million [people] not looked at for over 10 years,” Mr Duncan Smith said.

    “These regular reviews, I think, will help them and benefit them. We haven’t introduced this to hurt or to harm disabled people. The purpose is to try to support disabled people.”


    Andrew Coates

    April 6, 2014 at 10:51 am

    • Oops, sorry Andrew, hadn’t refreshed page so didn’t know you just posted the same message.

      Hope you enjoyed the show, Sunday Politics London also.


      April 6, 2014 at 11:05 am

  3. Talking of the devil, IDS is or should i say now, was on todays The Andrew Marr show again (06/04/2014)

    Check out the body language and has anyone/everyone noticed how every time he has a rather dry throat, not that im suggesting anything.

    Readers might also wish to checkout the show Sunday Politics London as their dicussions are quite insightful.


    April 6, 2014 at 11:02 am

    • He’s the most apt live teaching tool available if you need to show someone what a frightened liar looks like.

      He’s fearful in everything he does, like all malignant narcissists, he knows, inside, what a foul waste of oxygen he is. He knows how bad his acts have been. It’s typical that he spews forth yet more hate, rage and lies every time he is given the opportunity. No other responses come from him. This is all he has, hate, rage and lies.

      Every one of us surviving on benefits is richer than him.

      It’ll be fun seeing him discover that the largest rate of fraud in the social security system is from within those claiming pension credit. The spin machine may explode trying to make that look like anything other than a witch hunt of the elderly.


      April 6, 2014 at 11:27 am

      • No, he wants to disintegrate disabled people. Some people are ‘not looked at for over 10 years’ because it’s obvious to the world’s dumbest amoeba that the person is disabled, too sick to work, and is not going to get any better. Atos, though,
        sends threatening letters addressed to people who are in comas…. even calling them fit to work, and the JCP calls them to work focused interviews!

        Well there is evidence the brain dead can walk: it’s called the
        Conservative Party.

        In the spirit of inclusivity, let’s make Eric Pickles and Ken Clarke become pole dancers right now. (goes into blissful dreamy state imagining a Steve Bell cartoon of this)

        something survived...

        April 9, 2014 at 12:14 am

  4. I can’t take much more of this.

    The fear and loathing this scumbag is breeding is unbelievable. Now I’m afraid to walk out the house and go shopping in case someone gets the idea “hey i thought you were sick!”

    ghost whistler

    April 6, 2014 at 11:40 am

    • Some of the pustules (Job centre pustules) have taken to following me round while off duty or during their lunch hour. I mean really?! It’s not like there is anything particularly interesting to see, like I go to the bank or whatever. It’s possible they’re a little upset I’ve taken to slagging off and generally trying to fuck things up for, their beloved security guard Pigface. After all, if it wasn’t for Pigface, they’d all be murdered in a couple of minutes by hordes of immigrants and tramps… Or so they think.

      something survived...

      April 9, 2014 at 12:20 am

  5. The Government are the biggest ‘Benefit cheats’, defrauding the British people of their Rightful amount of State Benefits by ignoring the Law:


    And are guilty of using State Terrorism against the People:


    IDS needs a fucking bullet.

    Landless Peasant

    April 6, 2014 at 12:42 pm

  6. Oh dear, apparently IDS was coming on TV today (the show already aired today) to announce stiffer penalties on benefit fraudsters but dew to the Maria Miller scandal reframed from announcing and attempting to promote it.

    You have just got to love how the Tories through making to many enemies and fatal mistakes are increasingly digging their own grave in the run up to the not to distant elections.

    Literally every time a tory opens their mouth these days (not all Tories), yet another pot hole appears.


    April 6, 2014 at 1:02 pm

  7. I intend to write to IDS to ask if fines, prison sentences and dismissal also meant for fraudsters who lie on their CVs (he has), and members of the government who lie and cheat
    when claiming thousands of pounds out of the public purse.
    No, IDS—-I believe that they get a slap on the wrist and stay in their positions—-telling everyone else how to behave.

    I will also ask him if there is a punishment for those who are terrorizing members of the public—which is what he and his dept are doing under the DEFINITION of the word.

    As regards them wanting you to spy and inform them about other people—I am not paid to do so, have not been recruited as a spy and it is against all common decency and standards of civilisation.

    Those who propose such measures are no more than gangland mafia, who are protected by their own ad hoc legislation.

    Hope others write to him with the same comments.


    April 6, 2014 at 2:53 pm

    • Can we get him to write his resignation speech, but can we get him to write it using his own intestines.

      something survived...

      April 9, 2014 at 12:23 am

  8. We can expect to hear an awful lot on benefit claimants on the run up to the election.as usual much of it unproven talk is cheap bluster such as this,more of his dreamed up statistics.now targeted at pensioners.

    He boasts of saving the taxpayer, but has spent around 612m of taxpayers ‘money on universal credit with 40 million written off so far. not short of a few bob himself and married into a lifestyle that many could only dream of he continues to lecture.


    April 6, 2014 at 4:21 pm

  9. That says it all really, one rule for us and another for them in power.
    Deliberate benefit cheats have to pay it all back so why don’t government officials?


    April 6, 2014 at 4:24 pm

    • Its that very point phil that has swung around under the miller scandal that means in time they wont but this will only be the case if the public and media in joint alignment keep the pressure on.

      Now I feel has come the time that the public have at last witnessed the true face of our current tory top tier that it appears even lower tier tories find distain in.

      Millers actions were if I am to quote tory rhetoric, “a morally repugnant act” as well as a criminal one and lets not forget her aid committed an abuse of power and position in using threatening behaviour boarding on an attempt to blackmail the press into not pursuing it.

      The paper handled this with kit gloves cleanly so any suggestion of impropriety against is a false claim indeed.


      April 6, 2014 at 5:08 pm

  10. I heard IDS had intended to air his new blitz on welfare fraud on the Andrew Marr show, but decided not to on the advice of his PR Team.

    Yes, it would not have been the best time to mention his new anti-fraud scheme, when the headlines are simultaneously full of the Miller scandal!!!


    April 7, 2014 at 8:33 am

  11. Change of subject…Did you know this about Lawrence of Arabia?:


    Very Interesting – especially the bit about the “black van”!


    April 7, 2014 at 9:58 am

    • I didn’t know it about the author of Tarka the Otter either!

      There are otters again in East Anglia, in Minsmere.

      Mind you for an unemployed person the fare alone up there, even from Ipswich, is prohibitive.

      Andrew Coates

      April 7, 2014 at 11:20 am

      • Andrew

        Do the East Anglian otters ride motorcycles and “collide” in mysterious circumstances with black vans?


        April 7, 2014 at 1:03 pm

  12. Monday 7 April 2014.

    Rules on unemployment benefits tightened to end ‘signing on’ culture.

    Jobless will have to take ‘basic steps’ towards finding work before they can claim, as part of government push on welfare.

    Esther McVey, the employment minister, will launch a significant government push on welfare this week by saying that unemployed people must prepare for their first interview with a Jobcentre Plus adviser by preparing a CV. They must also set up an email address and register on the government’s jobs website.


    Oh Dear – Nothing New Then!

    Obi Wan Kenobi

    April 7, 2014 at 11:26 am

    • I have a CV, which I have shown to my PWPS adviser. I do have an email address. And I have registered on their useless website. But as they can’t force you to let them have access to your UJM account then it continues to remain a rather futile exercise.

      Like you say Obi: Oh Dear – Nothing New Then!

      Hmm…I smell electioneering.

      jj joop

      April 7, 2014 at 12:40 pm

      • And, incidentally, I should have thought having a CV while job hunting would be an essential prerequisite to finding a job. Do they think we’re bloody stupid or something.

        jj joop

        April 7, 2014 at 12:43 pm

    • Obi

      What IS new is that sanctions will now be imposed before a claim is even started in the first place!!!


      April 7, 2014 at 1:00 pm

    • Lets all peer review that article Obi Wan kindly posted shall we

      “McVey will highlight tough new rules for newly unemployed people. She will say: “With the economy growing, unemployment falling and record numbers of people in work, now is the time to start expecting more of people if they want to claim benefits”

      If all this is true as she proclaims then why would people be signing on in the first place ?

      “This is about treating people like adults and setting out clearly what is expected of them so they can hit the ground running”.

      How are we treating people like adults if someone has to state whats expected of them ?

      “This change will mean people start their claim ready to look for work and will show they are serious about finding a job as quickly as possible.”

      Now currently in place at DWP is a red/green light system used to highlight who is and is not job ready and not without good course when you look at type of people signing on who often spent decades in work prior to PCs and CVs who back in the day weren’t required to have sound math and English (monkey see, monkey do work). We also cant discount those that left school without qualifications as you can fail them like any exam and lets not forget lastly, the various human conditions that make such a practice far , far from straight forward.

      If such a practice was introduced, this would mean hundreds, even thousands would be unable to claim for months on end if at all.

      This clearly means government intend to shift the figures on stats from unemployment to inactivity while saving countless pounds which todate they have failed to save while wasting it on one failed scheme after another. It further highlights that unemployment is very far from over and judging by the admissions from company after company on job cuts is set to be quite something ?


      April 8, 2014 at 7:14 am

      • Just to add to something I said, I quote

        “If all this is true as she proclaims then why would people be signing on in the first place ?”

        Oh that’s right, that’s what it was set up for in the first place, to reduce the burden of poverty while on or in hard times.

        How exactly causing poverty reduces poverty I cannot say but their again I strongly doubt ester can either.

        Oh and while on fire


        Please all look out for any minister in the coming months after this is introduced who states education is up and that its good to see a society bettering themselves as, as sure as the sky is blue (well grey in the uk these days) we will see the stats showing education going up while unemployment goes down.

        And why, because education is a good thing (taxpayer wont complain) to spend money on, unemployment isn’t, well according to the tories it isn’t anyway what with their constant insinuations on those signing on so as to bolster support for their vile attack on those that cant defend themselves just so they can desperately clamber to hide the true picture from the public as regards our overall UK debt not to mention the Tories, not labour borrowing more money than both Tony Blair and Gordon Brown combined.

        Lastly for any who don’t hang in the education halls, this government apart from increasing university fees also took away the old system that allowed the public if unemployed or financially pressed to get free education to better themselves and replaced it with a loans scheme while keeping in place a mandate that states a claimant must be willing to drop their course forthwith despite now in financial debt to it when offered gainful employment as an eligibility to receiving or maintaining the receipt of benefit. Claimants MUST AGREE to this prior to attending any course. This doesn’t cover those who might have been on a course prior to making a claim but none the less MUST STILL AGREE to it.


        April 8, 2014 at 7:48 am

      • People had not heard of CVs in the 1970s to start with.

        Andrew Coates

        April 8, 2014 at 10:59 am

  13. Anti-workfare campaigners blockaded a Salvation Army shop in Edinburgh for three hours on Saturday for its involvement in getting jobless people to work for their benefits.

    Charity believed to be the main Edinburgh placement for exploitative scheme.

    Members of Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty (ECap) and Boycott Workfare unfurled a giant banner proclaiming “If you exploit us we will shut you down” across the shop’s door in Earl Grey Street on between 11am and 2pm, preventing customers from entering.

    Police attended several times but made no arrests.

    “We gave out hundreds of leaflets to passers-by, stressing that workfare is an attack on the wages and conditions of all workers, and many people reacted positively.”

    Salvation Army was unavailable for comment.


    Obi Wan Kenobi

    April 7, 2014 at 11:56 am

  14. A massive thank you to everyone who tweeted, picketed, blockaded, occupied, or sent messages to workfare exploiters this week. With just weeks to go until Osborne’s punitive new six month “Community Work Placement” (CWP) scheme is due to launch, its future is looking pretty uncertain. Freedom of information responses suggest that the guidance is behind schedule and the government have yet to even confirm some providers.

    Now our action has created some even bigger hurdles: major workfare users Salvation Army, TCV and YMCA say they will not offer placements on the CWP scheme.


    Obi Wan Kenobi

    April 7, 2014 at 6:38 pm

    • Err, didn’t the post you just posted previous contradict your last paragraph their Obi Wan ?


      April 8, 2014 at 6:53 am

  15. Annos

    April 8, 2014 at 12:06 am

  16. Windows XP users face end to Microsoft support


    Take a good look at this as besides our government departments, XP is still used by many a job club or second tier educational provider let alone businesses dew to old legacy system software that failed to run correctly on vista, 7 and it appears even 8 it seems as reported by some businesses.

    Despite claims by may I say only one security firm in the article, an army of places still use XP.

    A lot of independent job clubs even small independent educational centres use PCs which are donated to them by businesses when they themselves upgrade. These places when found wont have a deal in place like that of governments so learn your operating systems as your personal data will be at great risk.


    April 8, 2014 at 6:51 am

  17. Imagine if we gave them guns ?


    I particularly love the story of the 14 year old girl as really, you need a taser or even a banton to disarm someone with a shard of glass.

    In aikido your taught to defend yourself against multiple enemies regardless of whether or not their carrying a banton, knife, sword or the likes, all of which in incorporated into the grading so whats the polices excuse for such heavy handed tactics besides inadequate self defence training. Its so poor often you will hear from other arts to that you get quite a few officers attending self defence classes outside of police training.


    April 8, 2014 at 8:58 am

    • Anything we give to officers gets instantly abused, just look at stop and search for instance.


      April 8, 2014 at 8:59 am

      • Yeah, like if you don’t ID yourself as a passenger in a car (which you don’t have to) they haul you in for a strip search under “section 36” 😦


        April 8, 2014 at 10:02 am

  18. “The Help to Work operational guidance is in the testing phase of development. The support through Help to Work is due to start on 28th April 2014, at which point the guidance will be available”


    Obi Wan Kenobi

    April 8, 2014 at 11:45 am

    • See what I mean about governments use of DPA exemptions everytime their activities are called into question ?


      April 8, 2014 at 2:24 pm

    • I don’t have time to do this myself but who ever replied from the government to the FOI in my opinion isn’t very good at being concise,fair and frank in their omission. The description of exemptions is incomplete or incorrect, take your pick as its not a crime in part.

      As to whether

      A: its liable to cause prejudice and;

      B: Its effect in relation to public interest

      all depends on the gravity of the test applied which in the reply is not highlighted.


      Click to access _section_21_the_public_interest_test.pdf


      April 8, 2014 at 2:48 pm

  19. JJ LOOP POST 23

    Humphrey Appleby

    April 8, 2014 at 12:31 pm

  20. Iain Duncan Smith: ‘No one is above the law’


    Fucking hell – thats rich coming from him.

    Obi Wan Kenobi

    April 8, 2014 at 2:20 pm

    • He thinks he is, that’s for sure.

      jj joop

      April 8, 2014 at 2:26 pm

    • I don’t have time to do this myself but who ever replied from the government to the FOI in my opinion isn’t very good at being concise,fair and frank in their omission. The description of exemptions is incomplete or incorrect, take your pick as its not a crime in part.

      As to whether

      A: its liable to cause prejudice and;

      B: Its effect in relation to public interest

      all depends on the gravity of the test applied which in the reply is not highlighted.




      April 8, 2014 at 2:47 pm

    • Oh I do love how you pick your links Obi Wan, great find as usual which im sure all agree.

      I particularly loved the use of words as had this had been at the beginning of the tories reign the words would have been “I cant comment on individual cases” but as its not the first, we get COMPLEX instead.

      How is it complex Duncan, its straight forward functional math followed by regulations that read like a Mr man book ?


      April 8, 2014 at 3:02 pm

  21. I have just come across this site, which is run by Chris Covedale—-and it shows you, in no uncertain terms, THAT YOU ARE COMMITTING A CRIME WHEN YOU PAY ANY TAX…INC COUNCIL TAX!

    It shows you the legislation, Acts etc that PROVE that this is the case.

    It is a little known but salutary fact that every time a person pays council tax we make a small but significant contribution to war, thereby rendering ourselves liable to prosecution and punishment as an accessory to war crimes.

    Under the laws of war citizens are forbidden from taking part in war crimes and terrorist acts and are legally bound to disobey the orders of any Government that supports or endorses such illegal acts of aggression1. This universal duty to refuse to obey unlawful orders includes orders to pay tax [Income tax, council tax, VAT etc]. If governments use taxpayers’ money for unlawful purposes such as waging a war of aggression or engaging in acts of terrorism, the obligation of taxpayers to pay tax is reversed and becomes a legal duty to refuse to pay tax………
    (much more at the site)

    To find out why and what to do, go to the site:



    April 8, 2014 at 5:06 pm

  22. But Mr Man books make sense…..

    something survived...

    April 9, 2014 at 12:28 am

    • As so do regulations, yet miller exploited it none the less.

      I think what the public need to know in detail is how did the sum of 45’000 drop to a mere 5’800 as the vast difference isn’t a simply case of a few hundred pounds here.

      Someone, either watch dog or committee got it wrong somewhere yet besides attacking miller (not saying she doesn’t deserve it), todate no one even in the media it appears has attacked the figures mentioned.

      If 5’800 is the correct penalty figure then its the duty of government to prove why.


      April 9, 2014 at 6:04 am

  23. MPs: Universal Credit inquiry ‘hampered by ministers’


    Get ready for a bumpy summer if we are all still unemployed by then as the storm troopers are coming under the banner of UC.

    I expect god forbid I am still unemployed by then myself, to be falsely sanctioned day one for exerting my inalienable right to control the flow of my personal and or sensitive data in full accordance with the law (DPA) by refusing to enter such data on UJMs profile and using my encrypted and copyright protected CV which to date the site does not allow to be uploaded and has failed to be addressed by both monster.com who never replied to my email and DWP who state they cant do anything about it besides giving me monsters email address.

    As ive never been sanctioned successfully I wonder if they will sanction me again after the first for the very same crime. I say this as you cant be tried for the same crime twice.


    April 9, 2014 at 6:24 am

    • I believe that it was Tony Blair who did away with the double jeopardy law, allowing everyone the opportunity to be tried as many times as the judiciary likes, until they are proven guilty. Not that these laws apply to JC+ or DWP.


      April 9, 2014 at 8:26 am

      • Sorry Lucy, I damaged my left wrist and palm last night so am typing with one hand and its taking me so long to produce a post that I tried to condense it.

        What I meant to say was that I wonder if I get sanctioned and it sticks so if you like ive been found guilty and punished, I wonder if as soon as that ends that they will try again to sanction me for the very same thing once they have asked the very same question/a again.

        Their, hopefully I said it right this time.


        April 9, 2014 at 10:41 pm

      • Gaia, I get it now. I think, given the arbitrary nature of the handing out of sanctions, they wouldn’t have any compunction with setting up another sanction, based on the same reason they used for the last one. They get away with this because the culture the DWP have created, encourages the constant throwing of new hoops to jump through. Which ever way you turn, they claim a change in guidelines, local rules, all the usual bunkum.


        April 10, 2014 at 2:19 am

      • ‘Slipped in the shower’ 😉 – did you, Gaia? 🙂

        Charles Bronson - Britain's Most Violent Prisoner

        April 10, 2014 at 3:16 am



    April 9, 2014 at 6:25 am

    • If it wasn’t for the fact that there’s an election looming and Cameron wants to be seen to be whiter than white, Miller would not have resigned. Her nose would stil be in the trough, for sure.

      jj joop

      April 9, 2014 at 9:07 am

      • “Her nose would stil be in the trough, for sure.”

        She’s still an MP, so it still is!

        Another Fine Mess

        April 9, 2014 at 1:35 pm

    • Now we need the dirt on IDS, McVile and Freud, to get then to resign too.

      Obi Wan Kenobi

      April 9, 2014 at 9:32 am


    Have you heard of “Pitville Gates” in Cheltenham?

    Did you know a law banning non-whites from streets in Cheltenham was not repealed until the 1950s?

    Read on (and continually remember the “social cleansing” impact of the bedroom tax and other welfare cuts):



    April 9, 2014 at 8:54 am



      April 10, 2014 at 7:36 am

  26. Just a reminder to everyone that since we have just started a new tax year you now have a brand new £5,940 cash ISA allowance 🙂 (or £11,880 in stocks and shares 🙂 ) in which to stash your spare dosh! 🙂 Cheers, George! 🙂

    David & Samantha

    April 9, 2014 at 10:00 am

  27. The Universal Credit car-crash continues:

    ‘The government is piling in another £37-£58 million on further developing the IT system.

    It is simultaneously spending £25-32 million to develop an ‘end-state solution’ up to November 2014, with no indication of how much more it will cost in the long-term.

    The twin procedure effectively sees the government paying for two IT system, neither of which appear to be capable of delivering universal credit.’



    April 9, 2014 at 11:45 am

    • I always like to see that pic of him behind bars.

      Another Fine Mess

      April 9, 2014 at 1:39 pm

  28. Iain Duncan Smith Doesn’t Want You To Know How Badly He Is Failing On Universal Credit, Say MPs.

    Iain Duncan Smith and his fellow ministers have been accused of obstructing MPs’ attempts to scrutinise his flagship Universal Credit welfare scheme by failing to give them “accurate, timely and detailed information”.

    Shadow work and pensions secretary Rachel Reeves, said: “The select committee is right to raise serious concerns about Universal Credit which has suffered endless delays and waste. Ministers promised one million people would be on the scheme by April 2014 but the latest figures show under 4,00 are.

    “£131 million has been wasted already and on this programme which is so far costing an astonishing £161,905 per person. David Cameron must urgently get a grip of this crisis-hit policy before any more taxpayers money is wasted.”


    Obi Wan Kenobi

    April 9, 2014 at 2:22 pm

  29. MPs call for end to ‘twin-track’ development of Universal Credit IT.

    The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has been working on two Universal Credit systems simultaneously – one that underpins the current rollout to pilot ‘Pathfinder’ sites, and an ‘end-state’, digital solution, which will be open sourced and web-based, that will replace the Pathfinder system in 2017.

    However, the committee believes that the department is wasting millions of pounds developing IT software that has no future.

    “Given the small number of people currently claiming UC, the government should consider whether it would be a better use of taxpayers’ money to abandon further development of the existing system and focus solely on the end-state solution,” said committee chair Dame Anne Begg in the committee’s latest DWP monitoring report.


    Obi Wan Kenobi

    April 9, 2014 at 2:43 pm

  30. THE INSURANCE MAN – a 1986 play by Kafka

    “I sometimes wonder if Iain Duncan Smith saw it and took it as the perfect model for a future social security system”.

    Excerpt from today’s Guardian about benefit sanctions:



    April 9, 2014 at 2:43 pm

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