Ipswich Unemployed Action.

Campaigning for Unemployed Rights.

Scottish MSP Expenses 93% of their salaries

A FoI request reveals the Scottish MSP expenses almost as large as their salaries.

They refused to disclose the year 2008/09.

Year Cost of Salaries Cost of Expenses Approx percentage
2007/08 £11,301,000 £9,727,000 86%
2006/07 £10,050,000 £9,738,000 97%
2005/06 £9,698,000 £9,572,000 98%
2004/05 £9,600,000 £8,896,000 93%

Written by Universal Jobmatch

September 25, 2009 at 10:22 am

Posted in Government

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7 Responses

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  1. What is an MSP? Sorry for my ignorance. I think I know what an MEP is, but I’m getting a bit confused with all of these Expenses Scandals.

    Is anyone actually doing anything about it? Or should I stand for Parliament?

    However, I am only prepared to do this if I can do it from France.


    September 25, 2009 at 2:11 pm

    • A MSP is a Member of the Scottish Parliament. I am sure you know that to be a candidate in any part of the UK you need to be resident there. If you are interested…
      http://www.scottish.parliament.uk Vive la France

      Maria Negrina

      September 30, 2009 at 8:31 am

  2. Sabot, an MSP is a Member of the Scottish Parliament.

    It’s basically a jumped up town council that costs the tax payers millions of pounds a year.

    The ‘First Minister’ of Scotland is a chap called Alex ‘who ate all the pies’ Salmond. A troughing pig of magnitude proportions, he claims three wage packets and we tax payers, north and south of Hadrian’s wall, cough up. He preys on the politically niave in Scotland with his Braveheart style of politics and blaming the English for everything.

    Rab C. Nesbitt

    September 25, 2009 at 3:25 pm

  3. Oh Dear, and I do so love Scotland. But I thought they wanted to be Independant. Can’t they do this on their own? They’ve got all that Gas and Oil and stuff.
    What are they doing hanging on to the shirt tails of England?

    But then I’m a Bonnie Prince Charlie Fan. Half on my family are buried at Culloden, and to this day I wouldn’t give house room to a Campbell. Yes, I know he was a disolute idiot, and a Catholic to boot, weren’t they all in those days. But Henry Tudor wasn’t the rightful heir you know. And Charles the First was a Catholic, I don’t care what anyone says.

    Perhaps England is to blame.


    September 25, 2009 at 4:18 pm

  4. I thought the standard joke about Salmond was that he is so vain he drinks his own bathwater.

    Btw: my dad was Scottish. I did not write the post!

    Andrew Coates

    September 26, 2009 at 8:29 am

  5. I am just relieved that nobody (exept this government) wanted English regional parliments, (and that was before the Westminster mp’s expences broke).This government was quite happy to make big cuts in Job Centre staff but couldn’t wait to add another layer to the beurocratic disfuntional joke that is local government on top of are Euro Mp’s we would gain an East Anglian parliment on top of the hopless Suffolk County Council and the ever usless Waveney Distric council who’s latest banner achievment is to loose millions of rate payers money making mistakes with housing benefit. It would just be another case of pass the buck and pass the expences claim forms.

    Lowestoft's Finest

    September 27, 2009 at 12:20 pm

  6. What a sorry mess it all is. Sad to say, I bailed out 15 years ago because I couldn’t bear to watch things get worse. Which, believe me, they have.


    September 30, 2009 at 8:57 am

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