Ipswich Unemployed Action.

Campaigning for Unemployed Rights.

YMCA Training Activities Exposed

Today we expose the so-called training and learning activities at YMCA Training. We are aware of these being used at Dencora House and the 517 London Road training centre even though are likely to be used at all the training centres in the region covered by the New Deal contract.

Guess the Logo

This pointless activity is designed as an individual task for participants to guess logos of famous national and international logos. It can only be presumed to be for time wasting as no skills can be gained from completing it. Due to the fact the logos are registered trademarks of brands we have not displayed them for anti-copyright infringement purposes. This means we will provide you the answers also. We are aware that these activities been used in Gateway 2 Work (GtW) and on the New Deal VSO/IAP courses. Also note this activity which lasts up to 10 minutes consists of 7 separate sheets of paper: an absolute waste I only hope they get recycled which I sincerely doubt.

Page 1: 8 logos (1. Vauxhall, 2. Mothercare, 3. mcDonalds, 4. WWF, 5. Shell, 6. Nationwide, 7. Fila, 8. Michigan)

Page 2: 8 logos (9. Pepsi, 10. Tommy, 11. Mitsubishi, 12. Bic, 13. Kappa, 14.Texico, 15. RBS, 16. Guinness)

Page 3: 8 logos (17. Kodak, 18. KFC, 19. FIFA, 20. Elise, 21. Yellow Pages, 22. Nintendo, 23. Lloyds TSB, 24. AOL)

Page 4: 8 logos (25. Evisu, 26. Barclays, 27. Honda, 28. Dunlop, 29. Adidas, 30. Apple, 31. National Lottery, 32. Dominos)

Page 5: 8 logos (33. Switch, 34. Interflora, 35. Dolby, 36. Wella, 37. Atari, 38. Stella, 39. Ferrari, 40. Reebok)

Page 6: 7 logos (41. BT, 42. Quiksilver, 43. T Mobile, 44. Audi, 45. Renault, 46. Speedo, 47. Nike)

Page 7: 3 logos (48. HSBC, 49. Fred Perry, 50. HMV)

Whose Company?

This activity is compiled by Trainerbubble who offer training and learning solutions to providers at a price. Trainingbubble also provides some free resources such as activities, “Whose company?” is one of them.

20 minutes.
Intended for:
Use as an activity to add to a session where the subject of company ‘brands’ or advertising is being discussed or when you may want to help the participants understand the importance of brand, marketing, advertising and appeal. Can also be used as an energiser or an evening activity for a training event.
A series of company slogans posed as questions and an answer sheet to reveal who the company advertising slogan belongs to.
To help participants understand the importance of advertising, marketing and making information ‘stick’.
Price: Free

More FREE Trainingbubble resources can be found here.

Fill in the blanks… answers are beside them:

Whaaassssaaaaapppp – Budweiser
Oh lord won’t you buy me a ………Mercedes Benz
Every bubble passed it’s fizzical – Corona
It’s frothy man -Cresta
We all adore a ….Kia Ora
Helps you breathe more easily – Tunes
Central heating for kids – Ready Brek
Don’t just book it – Thomas Cook
Only ………have the answer – Smarties
Bootiful – Bernard Matthews
Papa …Nicol – Renault Clio
Splash it all over ‘Enry – Brut 33
Man at …..C&A
Refreshes the parts other beers cannot reach – Heineken
Go to work on an… – Egg
For mash get …smash
Do the…………and put the freshness back – Shake n Vac
How do you eat yours? – crème egg
More reasons to shop at…….Morrisons
See the face you love light up with……..Terry’s All Gold
Full of eastern promise – Fry’s Turkish Delight
And all because the lady loves…….Milk Tray
Ambassador with these…….you’re really spoiling us…Ferrero Rocher
Hands that do dishes can be soft as your face with mild green……..Fairy Liquid
If you like a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our……Club
By eck it’s gorgeous – Boddingtons
Because life’s complicated enough – Abbey National
Chewier than a fifty story block of flats – Chewits
The mark of a man – Old spice
They’re gggrrrreeeeaaatttt – Kellogs Frosties
If it’s on it’s in – Radio Times
I liked it so much I bought the company – Remington
………Because I’m worth it – L’oreal
…….The best a man can get – Gillette
plop plop fizz fizz – Alka Seltzer
“Vorsprung durch Technik – Audi
Bring out the …………Branston
Bet you can’t eat three – Shredded Wheat
Do you love anyone enough to give them your last …….Rolo
A finger of ………is just enough to give your kids a treat  Fudge

Nuclear Holocaust

This activity involves about prioritising the types of people you would save in a scenario of surviving a nuclear war. There are various different scenarios – some are plane crashes or stranded on an island etc. You have to choose who can stay in the bunker etc.  by differences such as age, family and profession. Those low down on the priority list ultimately dies.  Those up the top survive. Doesn’t really help you find a job does it?

Written by Universal Jobmatch

June 22, 2009 at 1:14 pm

4 Responses

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  1. This comes just days after we announced that a Cambridge job seeker was left watching films, going for walks and building paper towers instead of work placements.



    June 25, 2009 at 5:31 pm

  2. […] YMCA Training’s Training Activities […]

  3. So right about the “Nuclear Holocaust” and “plane crash” exercises, they don’t help you find a job. The provider I was with claimed this was “to make the point about making people sell themselves as more deserving to be saved than the others, on a par with selling themselves in an interview as better than other potential applicants for the job.” It was just demoralising for me though as having Asperger I’m never going to be any good at such exercises.

    Jobseeker with Asperger

    January 4, 2010 at 8:35 am

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